Week of February 29- March 6, 2016
Frustration, Fun, Farewell, Freight, Fast, Future, and Flowers . These are some of the Fabulous Findings For the week. It is amazing when everyday is a new adventure and you just can't wait to get out of bed to see what adventures await you. (Well most days) We had great fun sharing time with President and Sister Packer and their family. They are truly called of God. Being called is one thing but then filling that calling is entirely another process.
The President Packer Family The man on the Right is the Mission Driver Kolya. He takes them everywhere. |
Olio's for Lunch before they head back to Kyiv |
(FRUSTRATION) Sister Packer has suffered with chronic Kidney Stones. She has been to the hospital on several occasions and even had a couple of operations. She stays strong and is made of pioneer stock. She just keeps going, working through the pain and discomfort. You would never know she is suffering because she just quietly and consistently serves without complaint. My hip begins hurting a little after doing some walking and I'm all about finding a place to sit and rest. She just keeps moving along! What a wonderful testimony of devoted service.
(FUN) One of our Favorite things to do is visit with the Elders and Sisters and inspect their apartments.
Apartment inspections |
The Tairiosky sisters live in a Jungle. The sister next to Sister Mikkelsen is going home this week. |
We love the missionaries. One of them is getting transferred this week. |
They are the best and always keep their homes clean, well mostly clean . Sister Mikkelsen has a few suggestions for them but rarely. This time our treat was фасоль (That is pronounced Fahsol another word with F) beans in Russian. She made recipe cards for each of them and gave them Ground Cumin and a bag of beans and taught them how to make refried beans. They were excited for the most part. This was a special time because transfers are happening and several of our missionaries are moving to a new areas and others are heading home.
(FAREWELL)There are three missionaries going home this transfer and they are all in our zone.
Our son from Kazakstan on the train heading home |
We will miss him he taught us a lot. |
One of the missionaries is like a son to us. We have been with him for four transfers, two in Vinnistya and two here in Odessa. He is a wonderful young man from Kazakstan and has served as a branch president here in the Odessa area. We have had the opportunity to mentor him on many different questions of leadership in his branch. He will make a great leader in his home country.
(FUTURE) To see these young missionaries take on the responsibility and just serve 100% is such a marvel to behold. The future of the Church is in good hands. Have no fear!
Odessa Center District the Elder with the glasses is heading to Vinnistya next week. He is blessed for sure! |
Tairovsky-Illichoskvo District losing all these but two this transfer. |
(FREIGHT) As we have mentioned before, cooking is a constant opportunity for us and with that comes the blessing of shopping. It is a little different here. You are always looking for bargains, just like we all do in our shopping experience, but when you find them, you have to weigh (and I mean weigh) how much you need and want of a particular item.
Heading home with the goodies all Weighed down |
We grind our own meat. That way you know what is in your burger! "Look all five fingers are still there! |
You put it in your cart, go to the checkout stand and pay for it, but you don't roll your cart out to the car and put it in the trunk and drive home. You put it in the backpack and bags and then you carry it home. The store we do most of our shopping at is about a 1/2 mile from home. Shopping is an entirely different process when you get to carry it home on your back. The other part of shopping, if you want the best produce, you have to go to our favorite place, the Renok, which is like a farmers market a little over a mile from the house.
(FLOWERS) This next week is International Womens' day. Here in Ukraine it is like Mothers Day. Sunday at church the brethren left Priesthood Meeting and went down the back stairs and surprised the ladies with a song "For the Beauty of the Earth" and the gave them flowers to show our appreciation to them as the women in our lives.
Traditional Women's Day flowers. They are selling these all over town. |
The Wonderful Women of our Branch |
Yulia our piano player and SS teacher returned sister missionary |
Marina one of our counselors on the YA council Returned sister missionary served in Cleveland Ohio |
These ladies here are quietly going about the process of raising the next generation of church leaders. They quietly lead the men in the right direction until they figure it out on their own. This a very strong matriarchal society that the ladies keep things moving along much like they do in America.
(FAST) The word fast is an understatement about how time flies here. At the little farewell dinner we had for the missionaries heading home that was one of the topics. The time is such a crazy thing. It just marches on and you ponder about everything that has happened and you wonder how it could have slipped by so quickly. We have been in this area two transfers already and only have 3 1/2 transfers left. We have so much to do but time is not going to wait for us.
Heading to the train station for the final transfer. |
We must be the master of our time and do things now and not put them off. So I know you are all saying, "Oh NO! Here comes the lecture on serving a mission". That's right! Time is not going to wait for you to find the perfect opportunity to serve. You just need to organize your life and go out and serve in the mission field. The grandkids will be a little older when you get back but your example of service will be a much greater blessing for them than any service you could do by visiting their home or having them at your house. Yes, we miss all our kids and our little Riley so much! Last night we had a new couple over for dinner that has just started serving on their mission. They left 22 grandkids and 2 great grandkids at home.
Elder and Sister Palache, area Auditing couple, just arrived three weeks ago. The Farewell/Welcome dinner photo. |
As we were eating dinner I asked them where they were from. They said they were from Cottonwoods Heights area in SLC. I said I think we have a missionary from that same area. I then realized it was Elder Davazheray and he was eating dinner with us. The world is certainly a small place. They have several mutual friends and acquaintances.
Some of our life journey involves uphill climbs. This is the Potemkin Stairs ,200 of them, that we climb on an occasion. |
We are praying for all of you and hope that you are enjoying your journey through this mortal experience. Just remember we have a loving Father who is anxious for our success here in this life and when we trip and fall, He is there to spiritually pick us up again.
Jacob and his companion had a baptism this last week. A wonderful blessing of serving a mission is seeing people change their life and follow the Savior. |
The Savior's atonement has paid the price for our falls and He has suffered and understands our pain and can help relieve it by our faith in Him. Have a wonderful week .
Our love and prayers go with you
Love you all
Elder and Sister Mikkelsen
We do love you all. |
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